Monday, October 31, 2005

Defend Democracy in Ohio "NO" on Issues 2, 3, 4, and 5.

Why? There are plenty of reasons, which I am hoping to get to this week, but take a look at who's supporting this "non-partisan" effort...People for the "American" Way is behind "Reform" Ohio Now. That's enough for me...but like I said, I'm hoping to get the time to tear 'em apart sometime this week for those interested...

Mark's Remarks

Well, let's look at issue 3. IT is labelled as "reforming" campaign contributions, but it is more like the McCain model--in other words, we stifle the individual voices and promote the special interests. This law would eliminate small individual contributors, and it would also allow candidates to keep their special interest association secret. It is a terrible piece of legislation, one that serves the elite interests at the expense of the voice of the individual voter. No wonder liberals are behind it.

Every major newspaper has come down against this blatant attempt at stifling political participation and contribution by average individuals. Vote it down!