Thursday, February 09, 2006

Hamilton County Endorsement Farce

Hamilton County GOP decided to endorse "incumbency" tonight. After a voice vote to endorse Ken Blackwell, HamCoGOP put up a voice vote to endorse all incumbents. Controversial? You bet. No other endorsement process has been or is expected to run this way. Why was it done this way? Good question...

Mark's Remarks

What this is about, ladies and gentlemen, is intellectual dishonesty and laziness. It is about taking the easy way out, not leading. It is about not being willing to make the tough calls.

The Central Committee of Hamilton County and the Executive Committee thereof should be ashamed of themselves. By kowtowing to the establishment GOP in the state of Ohio, they are not serving the Republican voters who elected them to office, and I wholeheartedly call upon the Republican voters of Hamilton County to vote out the entire GOP central committee come the May primaries, when they will be voting on members of the Central Committee.

Overwhelmingly, Republicans in Ohio are disenchanted, if not damned ashamed, of the performance and attitude of Mike DeWine. Yet, the great and powerful hacks in the GOP Central Committee of Hamilton County decided rather than make tough decisions not only for the betterment of the party but for the betterment of the state and nation, they would rather have a shorter meeting and go home and keep the sad sacks in Columbus happy.

I would have expected much more from such a "conservative dominated" county, as liberals are wont to call it. By taking this establishment course, the Hamilton County GOP has shown itself to be intellectually stagnant and leadership challenged. I challenge members of the Hamilton County Central Committee to come on WMD and defend such a lazy position and attitude. I challenge them to come on WMD and defend why they would endorse blindly all Republican encumbents, rather than critically looking at what is best for the people of Ohio. I challenge members of the Hamilton County GOP to say it was anything other than intellectual laziness, lack of courage, and generalized stupidity disorder that led them to take such a lame decision. The voeters of Hamilton County should be outraged. I sure am.