Friday, April 13, 2007

Boehner Announces GOP Leadership ‘100 Days’ Report

Via email:
Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) today announced the release of the Republican Leadership Team’s comprehensive report on the Democrats’ broken promises and record of failures in their first 100 Days in the 110th Congress:

“The first 100 days of their tenure as the majority party in Congress has come and gone, and Democrats have failed to craft, demonstrate, or articulate a long-term agenda to move America forward. Instead, as this report illustrates, the Democrats’ first 100 days has been marked by intra-party squabbling, indiscriminate pork-barrel spending, and legislative paralysis on the most critical issues facing the American people.

“In fact, if Democrats took this nation in any ‘new’ direction whatsoever during their first 100 days, it was backwards. From their retreat-and-hope-for-the-best approach to the Global War on Terror to proposing the largest tax increase in American history, Democrats have been tone deaf to the needs of today’s middle-class families and the security of future generations of Americans.

“The Republican record during this period stands in stark contrast the Democrats’ dangerous disarray. We have demonstrated a unified commitment to hold Democrats accountable for their failures and broken promises, and are succeeding in offering substantive alternatives to help lead America forward.”

The GOP analysis of the Democrats’ record of failure, 0 FOR 6 in ’07, was compiled by House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH), Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO), Conference Chairman Adam Putnam (R-FL) and Chief Deputy Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA).

The report can be found online here.