Sunday, September 02, 2007

Speaker Husted Considers Political Blogs "Dangerous"

No wonder we're all having so much trouble getting the Ohio GOP to join us in the 21st century, the Speaker thinks we're all dangerous and stuff. Let's have a look at the evidence that the Columbus Dispatch has for us, shall we?
Ohio House Speaker Jon A. Husted is no fan of political blogs.
The feeling is mutal, Mr. least on this political blog. I'm sure we'll get around to why that is as this piece progresses...
"I believe they're overrated in some respects," the Kettering Republican said during a taping Friday of ONN's Capitol Square. "In high-profile campaigns, this is a way for people to use third parties to get bad information out about your opponent."
Overrated and growing by leaps and bounds everyday... More and more people are turning to the internet in general and the blogsophere specifically every day for news and views about what you people in Columbus are doing or not doing...
The fact that people are paying attention to the blogs, Husted said, "is undermining the campaign process in terms of trying to advance ideas."
Translation: the Little People are finally having their say...
"One of the things that is so frustrating when you're running a campaign is when we get out there, we're trying to decide who should lead our state, about the important issues of creating jobs and improving the future of this state and we're talking about whether or not Ted Strickland is gay on a blog." he said. "That is not helpful."
Now, I don't know for sure who Scott Pullin's source for that material was, but I have my suspicions... And the reason why I have those suspicions is that I also have received political "dirty laundry" like that before. Guess where I get them? From the campaigns themselves... So Husted's nonsense about how difficult it is to run a campaign while the blogs are airing this stuff is a move to distance campaigns from information that they want out there.

All you need to do is go back to the campaign websites and see how the subject was treated after these nuggets were released and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about...

What's not helpful, Mr. Speaker, is not advancing a conservative agenda as far as you can. When the Democrat's governor embraces you because of the fine job you did on the budget, you failed to protect Ohio's taxpayers enough. When it becomes absolutely clear that you think Ohio's taxpayers are giving you money to play with, you've not done enough to protect us. When it becomes crystal clear that your lips are firmly planted on the Democrat governor's derriere instead of functioning as a legitimate loyal opposition, I'll be there to call "BS" loud and clear. Mr. Speaker, praising the governor and the attorney general for their latest triangulation scheme is not getting us anywhere at all, but I guess we're making good time, so all's good. Right?

Mr. Speaker, the blogosphere will continue to be your enemy so long as you ignore the will of the people. The people didn't put you in a position of power so you would cave to a governor of the other party. We need strong Republican leadership now more than ever. So buck up, soldier, and get the job done.

Of course, if you'd rather the relationship remain adversarial...that can be arranged too.....