Here is a quote from Tom Brinkman's announcement press release that I published the other day:
But perhaps his most well-known achievement, even among Democrats and environmentalists, was his leadership in eliminating the highly unpopular "E-Check" program.Now here is a statement from Governor Ted Strickland published in the Cleveland Plain Dealer today:
Northeast Ohio drivers will continue to be stuck with E-Check.I think what Brinkman meant to say is that he was instrumental in getting E-Check requirmenets removed for various parts of the state, but knowing what circles this guy runs in... Could it not be said that Tom Brinkman has "lied" in this release? He didn't eliminate E-Check. I've seen Election Commission complaints filed over far more trivial matters...
"Nobody likes E-Check, but if the state is not in compliance with the federal Clean Air Act, there is a risk to Northeast Ohio businesses that tighter regulations could be placed on them," said Strickland spokesman Keith Dailey. "That could not only result in job losses but serve as a deterrent for new jobs coming into this state."