Monday, August 25, 2008

RELEASE: Boccieri Rubs Elbows With Washington Elite While Schuring Spends Time With Voters

This just in...

CANTON - Youngstown area Senator John Boccieri is so concerned with voters of the 16th Congressional District that he is working harder than ever to ignore them - this week he's spending several days at the Democratic National Convention in Denver.

State Senator Kirk Schuring, Republican candidate for the seat, will spend much of the week campaigning at the Stark County Fair and at other venues within the district.

Boccieri, who refuses to condemn negative and inaccurate attacks from out-of-state interest groups made on his behalf, will spend time in Denver with these same people.

"This is just another example of how close Senator Boccieri is to Washington insiders. These are the same people who are out of touch with the people of the 16th District," Schuring said.

"John doesn't understand that it is not important who you know in Washington. What is important is what you can get done in Washington by being a voice for the people back home."

Schuring, who was up six points in a Tarrance Group poll conducted last month, has a busy schedule inside the district over the next couple of weeks.

"I was surprised to hear that during the week of the Stark County Fair my opponent decided to make a trip to Denver. I was extended an invitation to attend the Republican National Convention next week, but opted to remain closer to home and meet with voters in Stark, Wayne, Medina and Ashland counties," Schuring said.